Mission & Vision
The vision of the Nurses and Midwives Council of South Sudan (NAMCOSS) is to achieve the highest ethical standards of nursing and midwifery practice, ensuring that the public has access to safe and quality healthcare.
Scope of work
NAMCOSS shall function as the body for registering all cadres of nurses and midwives in South Sudan. It shall be the administrative and corporate body charged with the performance of specific functions in order to ensure the delivery of safe and effective nursing and midwifery care to the public through quality education and practice.
The Council shall be mandated by Ministerial Decree to register and certify all national and foreign nursing and midwifery graduates applying to practice in the country.
Core Values
The Council shall provide for:
Registering and certification of all cadres of nurses and midwives who possess the prescribed qualifications and requirements to be so registered including those with specialization;
Prescribing the qualifications necessary in respect of the nursing and midwifery professions;
Setting of standards of professional conduct, through Codes of Ethics and Professional Practice.
Monitoring of adherence to and investigating breaches of the Code of Ethics;
Advising the Minister with respect to all nurses and midwives registered and licensed to practice in the country
Prescribing requirements for the continuing professional development of nurses and midwives;
Performing such other functions as may be conferred on it by Minister of Health.